Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: 9/11
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


For me, 9/11 began on 9/12.

I was living in Moshi, Tanzania at the time. I did not hear about the terrorist attacks until almost a full day after they had happened. One headline in a Tanzanian newspaper read TANZIA MERIKANI, which translates as "Obituary for America".

There will be many words written and spoken today. Sadly, some of those writers will ignore the uncomfortable facts about Islamic extremism that provoked the terrorist attacks in the first place.

But one story caught my eye, and seems to best sum up what this day is really about.

Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney was a rookie F16 pilot at Andrews Air Force Base. Her mission was to bring down Flight 93.

Without weapons.

To accomplish this, she was being asked to ram her F16 into the hijacked airplane before it could kill more innocent people. In short: a suicide mission.

Key quote:

A third plane hit the Pentagon, and almost at once came word that a fourth plane could be on the way, maybe more. The jets would be armed within an hour, but somebody had to fly now, weapons or no weapons.

"Lucky, you’re coming with me,” barked Col. Marc Sasseville.

They were gearing up in the pre-flight life-support area when Sasseville, struggling into his flight suit, met her eye.

“I’m going to go for the cockpit,” Sasseville said.

She replied without hesitating.

“I’ll take the tail.”

It was a plan. And a pact.

Penney was willing to sacrifice her life to save others. She represents the best about America - something some editorial writers prefer to forget.

She never had to make the sacrifice. The equally brave passengers of Flight 93 fought the Muslim terrorists - and lost their lives in the process.

Today we remember those who lost their lives at the hands of murderous fanatics. We honor those who gave their lives for their fellow Americans - and those like Penney who were willing to make the sacrifice as well.

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