Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: About the light blogging recently...
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Friday, April 19, 2013

About the light blogging recently...

I usually try to write at least one post every day, just a Bible verse, so that anyone who comes by will at least hear the Word of the Lord.

Part of the reason about my not doing even that small step has been my work schedule. No, that is not a valid excuse. My Savior laid down His life for me, yet I cannot take a few minutes to praise Him? Pretty lame!

But a larger reason - much larger - for my recent blackout has been a picture I came across not too long ago.

The picture is not graphic at all, yet it speaks of horror and blind terror. There is no blood in the picture, yet it is a silent testimony to the bloodshed by slaughtered innocents. The picture is both prosaic and evil.

The picture, which can be found here, is a picture of some empty seats. Seats reserved for the media at the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell. Seats that are empty because those who fancy themselves protectors of the innocent and downtrodden are in fact uninterested in anything that threatens their worldview. Many times in the last two weeks I have started to write something about Dr. Gosnell. Started - and stopped. Stopped because of the descriptions of the torture and murder of babies seemed to be something straight out of Nazi Germany. Live newborns fighting for life before having their necks cruelly severed. Babies tossed in the toilet and left to struggle while they drown in urine.

Kareema Cross, a “medical assistant” who worked at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society clinic for four-and-a-half years, testified in a Philadelphia court today, telling of the horrors of babies who survived abortions only to have their necks snipped with scissors.

“Did you ever see those babies move?” asked Prosecutor Joanne Pescatore.

“Yes, once in the toilet,” said Cross.

The baby “was like swimming,” she said. “Basically, trying to get out.”

Many self-styled pro-choice individuals have been horrified by Dr. Gosnell's private Auschwitz. All well and good, but have they ever stopped to consider what really goes on inside a "safe" abortion clinic? The torture, mutilation and murder of newborns that happened right in front of Dr. Gosnell's queasy aides goes on every day inside a typical average abortion clinics, conveniently hidden inside a womb. Does the fact that you can't see a newborn feebly struggle or hear it when it cries in agony really make abortion somehow ... ok?

That is why the picture of the empty seats at Gosnell's trial had such a profound influence on me. Just as there are those who believe that if they cannot see the violent deaths of others or hear their screams of pain then it somehow did not really happen, the media believe that if they ignore the trial it will somehow mean the crimes never took place. "All the news fit to print" has become "We create reality, and nothing exists unless we say so".

As a child many years ago I once waded out into the ocean up to my shoulders. All the time I was looking back at the shoreline or to the sides to see how far out others were going, and if I could go as far as they did. Then I turned around and was suddenly confronted by a dark wall of water breaking over me. The wave was not high - maybe three feet over my head - but I will never forget that feeling of terror as everything else was shut out and darkness engulfed me. The wave caused me to tumble head over heels; now scraping my knees on the sandy bottom, now feeling my face being shoved into the sand. Darkness everywhere.

When I saw the picture of the empty seats, I remembered that day in the ocean. Only this was not a puny water wave, but evil larger than a mountain, an evil so high I could not make out its peak.

Over these last few weeks I feel like I had a glimpse of what trying to fight the devil by myself is like. I got stamped flat. But remember that Christ will do battle for us. We cannot defeat our Adversary, but our Champion can.


Don Kriefall said...

Never could understand how a woman could possibly make a "choice" to murder and unborn child. Our society has fallen so far, so fast that human life has little meaning. Our first child was miscarried after a 5 month pregnancy. My wife went through labor and delivered a perfectly formed just under 1 lb. baby boy that did not survive. We still grieve him after 38 years and wonder what he would have been like if he could have grown up. Yet, in this twisted society, he would have been discarded, even now that medical science has developed methods to save premature babies that small. said...

I so completely agree with you, it's as though everything is upside down, truth and justice are no longer the main thing, but have been swept under a huge rug, and we are supposed to be 'ok' with it. In the years of my own lifetime we have slipped so far.

But God... and how we need Him!