Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: Stumbling through mathematics: which is bigger?
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Stumbling through mathematics: which is bigger?

Exponents are one way to represent very large numbers without having to write them out. Some examples are:

23 = 2⋅2⋅2 = 8

97 = 9⋅9⋅9⋅9⋅9⋅9⋅9⋅9⋅9 = 4782969

1012 = 10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅10 = 1000000000000

Now determine whether number A or number B is bigger:

A = 273894618

B = 346622313

Good luck trying to put either of those into a calculator! Microsoft Excel can't handle it either. Even Maple 12, a program specifically designed for performing algebraic calculations on a computer, tells me there are too many digits to display in either of these two numbers.

Logarithms are functions that are the inverses of exponential functions. Both logarithms and exponential functions are found in many engineering and scientific problems. The expression b = loga(x) means b is equal to the logarithm to base a of x. Just to give you an idea of of what they look like, here is a graph of 10x and log10(x) (this plot was made using Maple 12). The red line represents 10x and the blue line represents log10(x).

Logarithms have certain limitations. The logarithm of zero does not exist, and the logarithm of a negative number is a complex number. Nevertheless, we are going to make use of the following fact concerning logarithms:

For real numbers a, x, y > 0, if x > y, then loga(x) > loga(y)

We will use the following property of logarithms to determine if either A or B is larger:

For real numbers z, x, a and x, a > 0, then loga(xz) = z⋅loga(x)

Take the logarithm of both A and B. We will choose the common logarithm, or logarithm to base 10:

log10(A) = log10(273894618)

log10(B) = log10(346622313)

Using the property of logarithms introduced above:

log10(A) = 73894618⋅log10(2)

log10(B) = 46622313⋅log10(3)

Now we finally have something that can be evaluated! Using a calculator, we find that log10(2) = 0.3010299957 (evaluated to 10 digits) and log10(3) = 0.4771212549 . We now have:

log10(A) = 73894618⋅0.3010299957 = 22244496.54

log10(B) = 46622313⋅0.4771212549 = 22244496.48

It turns out that A is larger than B.


Unknown said...

You sure stumped me brother!

Recovering Lutheran said...

Sorry about that! More and more I am finding myself writing about science and mathematics - particularly from a Christian viewpoint.