Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: When religions collide...
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When religions collide...

In this case, the two faiths on a collision course are Islam and multiculturalism. In Canada, the Toronto District School Board is drawing criticism for allowing an imam to conduct Friday prayer services for Muslim students.

According to superintendent Jim Spyropoulos, Muslims are required to pray on Friday so “we have the duty to accommodate.” Interesting. The article also goes on to quote trustee Gerri Gershon, who says, “We have people asking what accommodation we provide for Christian students, but the system is set up to accommodate Christian students; Christmas and Easter are already holidays.” Two whole holidays. Gee, that's mighty big of them. I wonder what would happen if some Christian students tried to pray on school property during class time and a Christian pastor came to the school to conduct religious services.

But while it is tempting to enjoy a bit of schadenfreude while watching secular progressives defend the necessity of having non-Christian religion taught in public schools during class time (in the holy name of multiculturalism), it would be wrong. Consider the sobering possibility that a similar situation will probably arise in the USA one day. Or perhaps it already has: given the fact that the secular media sees Islamophobes lurking under every bed, it is safe to say such a story would likely go unreported. Such a story would go against the official secular media Narrative of America-as-plaything-of-intolerant-Christian-bigots. As the great political philosopher Whoopi Goldberg might say, there is truth and then there is truth-truth, and the latter should never be allowed to interfere with the former.

Secular progressives with their multicultural fundamentalist beliefs cannot have it both ways. They cannot defend using public school property and class time to instruct students in Islam while shrieking "Christianist indoctrination!" at any perceived hint of Christianity in those same schools (example: consider the near berserk fury that greets any skepticism of evolution in biology classrooms). The Western educational system is a closed shop where ideas and opinions outside of the major universities are not allowed. Shouldn't these secular progressives practice the multiculturalism they supposedly believe in? Either shut down the instruction in Islam, or open up the schools to all forms of religious teaching.

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