Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: The Muslim Brotherhood and its new friends
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood and its new friends

In Egypt there are reports that the infamous Muslim Brotherhood is forming a coalition with "liberal and secular parties".

I have always been fascinated by the weird alliance that seems to have formed between secular progressivism and radical Islam in the USA. On the surface, the two would seem to have little in common. Radical Islam is a 7th century barbarism that promotes the persecution of women and homosexuals. Secular progressivism supposedly champions reason and human rights over religious faith. Far from being friends, the two would appear to be natural enemies.

But both secular progressives and radical Muslims are deeply hostile to religious pluralism and basic liberties such as freedom of speech. Both hold totalitarian philosophies that see the State as supreme to the individual, and believe that the State should control every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Both have an especially strong antipathy towards Christians and Jews. For these reasons, secular progressives and radical Muslims have common interests. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is the operating principle motivating both sides to link up with each other.

No one forms a political alliance unless they think they will benefit, and I believe that is what is going on in Egypt. If these secular and liberal parties in Egypt are anything like their American counterparts, they share the same basic totalitarian longings and beliefs as the Muslim Brotherhood does. The only quarrel will be over the exact form of the police state to come: which "enemies of the people" get tossed into the dungeons or tortured to death. In other words, a marriage of convenience is taking place.

UPDATE: It occurred to me after I made my initial post that I was guilty of an "Americanism" - that is, I looked at the political situation in Egypt through an American lens. It is quite possible that these "liberal and secular" parties may have another reason for joining the Muslim Brotherhood: self-preservation. Right now the Muslim Brotherhood is the most powerful political force in Egypt, and after the upcoming elections they are likely to be even more powerful. They are certain to use the levers of government to punish the "infidels" who stood in their way.


Ken & Carol said...

That notion of "self-preservation" in your update is not peculiar to Egypt. It is certainly how Chicago is run, and probably other large cities too, and most recently, those tactics are being tried on a national level.

Recovering Lutheran said...

True, but I think the situation will be much more drastic in Egypt than in America. In cities like Chicago with its machine politics you "pay to play" if you want to run a business or avoid unwanted scrutiny by the authorities. In a Muslim Brotherhood-dominated Egypt, you bow to the authorities to save your life and limb.

Unknown said...

Thank you for raising this important issue. I follow Frank Gaffney, and General Boykin, who have studied the MB for over 20 years. They both believe this alliance is forming. (Google, Facebook a tool being used to rally protests). Kamal Saleem, a former terrorist spoke at a legislative briefing in Mi. this spring, explaining this alliance and how MB has infiltrated high levels of our Gov. and is in some courts already. A book written in the 70's is being used again, about Koranic "social justice". They will join the infidel's alliances, with apparent peaceful intentions, until they have successfully implemented Sharia Law.