Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: Sweet P's: A prayer for Tanzania
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sweet P's: A prayer for Tanzania

Almighty and gracious Heavenly Father, we lift up before You the people of Tanzania. We ask that you bless them and protect them during this election year. Bless all of the candidates running for office and their families. Give them the wisdom and courage to govern in the ways that are pleasing to You. Protect the people from violence and unrest, and help them to remember that they should put their hope and trust in You and not the princes of this world.

Father, we ask a blessing upon the Christians who live on the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, and who are suffering persecution because of their faith in You. Protect them and defend them from suffering, yet let it be according to Your will. Turn the hearts of those who are persecuting them away from this evil and towards You. Let these Christians who suffer for Your sake be an inspiration to other Christians, and a light to those who do not yet know You.
