Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: Witnesses to the faith: San Diego
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Witnesses to the faith: San Diego

A California appellate court has upheld a jury verdict which found that four San Diego firefighters should not have been forced to participate in the city’s “Gay Pride Parade."

Key quote:

During San Diego’s 2007 “Gay Pride Parade,” four firefighters from the SDFD were sexually harassed through lewd cat calls and obscene gestures at the event, which was replete with sexual displays and graphic images.

My own experience (as an instructor at a state community college) is that the homosexual movement's leadership is extremely vicious and intolerant of anyone who does not share their narrow-minded beliefs. In many ways they are much like the hardcore religious fundamentalists they profess to see lurking under ever bed.

It's not just government employees that will be forced into kneeling before powerful, politically-connected groups. As the ELCA delves more and more into the seedy world where politics is merged with religion Christians can expect the lines between extremist secular political organizations and the ELCA to become even more indistinct. Already there is talk of pressuring ELCA pastors to become active participants in "social justice" activities to promote gay/lesbian issues. The promises made by the ELCA's leadership to faithful Lutheran pastors to respect their views is already sliding down the memory hole. The ELCA's new god of secular political activism is a jealous god.

Please pray for government employees like the San Diego firefighters who are persecuted for their Christian beliefs. Please pray for faithful Lutherans who will be pressured to join in the ELCA's worship of secular political activism.

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