Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: Sweet P's: A prayer for those who despair
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sweet P's: A prayer for those who despair

Lord God, we ask that You bless those who despair.

Lord, we ask that You place Your hand on their hearts.

Lord, we ask that You make known Your presence.

Lord, we ask that You make known Your love.

Lord, we ask that You lift the veil of darkness that engulfs their souls.

Lord, we ask that You remove all barriers, and throw down all obstacles.

Lord, we ask that You guide them in Your paths.

Lord, we ask that You send an army of Your angels to watch over and protect them.

Lord, we know that Your beloved Son cried out in pain and despair in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Lord, Your Son has experienced our pain and suffering.

Lord, Your Son has known hunger, fatigue, and pain.

Lord, Your Son has suffered betrayal and rejection.

Lord, help us to remember that Your Son suffer all of these things for our sake.

Lord, help us to remember that we will never be alone.



MTJ said...

Hi RL,

Many experience the pain of despair but God is able to lift it from a life that thinks all is hopeless.

Thanks for interceding on behalf of many.

Blessings and peace.


Denise said...

Thanks for caring and praying for others.

Tea with Tiffany said...

Amen...powerful words for so many.

And thanks for the reminder of all that Christ did and that we are never alone.

I appreciate you linking arms with us again this week.

Sweet peace(peas)to you and yours.

Lily said...

Amen, joining you in prayer.