Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: Sweet P's: A prayer of wonder
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sweet P's: A prayer of wonder

Lord, when I consider the works of Your hand,
I cannot help but ask:
"Who are men and women, that You care for them?"

We are not angel. We are not gods.
We sin and rebel against You.
We make up lies about You, and admire our own cleverness.
We call upon You when we wish, and ignore you when we wish.
We ravage Your creation.
We rob, rape, and kill each other.
We break all oaths, forget all promises, destroy all hopes.
We rebel against You.
We judge You.
We condemn You.
We try to cast You out.

Yet You still love us.
You sent Your Son to take our punishment.
You still offer us eternal life with You.
You still give us the chance to be Your children.
You still hear our cries of agony.
You still wipe away our tears.
You still restore our hope.
You still blot out our evil.
Even now, our just punishment is held back.
Even now, You wait for us.
Even now, You burn with a consuming love for us.

We thank You for your love.
We thank you for your patience.
We thank You for your blessings.
We thank you for Jesus, Your only Son.
We beg forgiveness.
We cry out for mercy.
We reach for Your hand.



Dena E's Blog said...

I must say this was/si Beautiful and enjoyed the read at your profile..
Praise God!!!
Blessings Dena

MTJ said...

Hi RL,

Thanks so much for this petition to the Lord. As I read it, I sensed a genuine call within me to marvel at the infinite grace and love of God. His capacity is beyond my understanding; I try to fathom it but I cannot.

Blessings and peace.


Mike and Debbie said...

A beautiful prayer on a day when we, as a nation, have so much for which to be thankful.

Tea with Tiffany said...

You done grabbed me. (yes, I know that's not proper English)


I so resonated with this,

"Even now, our just punishment is held back.
Even now, You wait for us.
Even now, You burn with a consuming love for us."

Yes, LORD, you are merciful beyond our understanding and you do wait and burn with an all consuming love. Thank You...

Lily said...

Joining in prayer with you.

Wanda said...

Amazing love and grace! Beautifully written.