Musings of a Recovering Lutheran: Sharia law - enforced by the West?
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sharia law - enforced by the West?

A fifteen-year-old British girl is arrested for allegedly burning a copy of the Koran and posting the incident of Facebook. She was arrested under the new British "religious hatred" law passed in 2006. No word yet on when Madonna, who mocks Christianity with vulgar sexual references, will also be arrested.

It appears that Western governments are now in the business of enforcing Islamic anti-desecration laws. Recall how the US government blew a gasket what a Florida pastor merely threatened to burn a Koran?

I believe that this blatant favoritism shown by Western governments towards Islam is not because these governments are chock-full of secret Muslims. Western governments tend to be run by secular progressives who disdain all religious beliefs. Rather, Islam is seen by secular progressives as a rival to Christianity and Judaism. Christianity and Judaism hold that God's laws are superior to man's laws, and this enrages the secular progressives who view government as god.

And - this has to be said, since it is true - the fact that Christians and Jews are routinely imprisoned, tortured and killed by Muslims in Islamic countries is actually considered a plus by secular progressives. Osama bin Laden and his followers do what many secular progressives long to do, but lack the courage to actually carry out.

Thus, in the name of "tolerance" citizens of Western countries are ordered to be silent by their government. Meanwhile, Muslims (which in many cases are openly seeking a worldwide theocracy) are given a pass. That's why a 15-year-old girl incurrs the wrath of the authorities while those guilty of "honor killings" go unpunished.

One final note. Consider this quote from the article linked above:

The group that published the English-language version of the Koran is believed to have visited the school this week, to talk to pupils and explain the significance of the book to Muslims, the BBC reports.

Just imagine the shrieks of "Christianist theocracy!" in this country if a Christian group came to a public school to explain the significance of the Bible. Even in Britain, that would not go down very well.

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